Saturday, May 23, 2009


The cheeky grin on Tom's face belies the nightime antics that he is fresh from. I guess looking back Tom has never been a great sleeper, but just lately his night time waking routine is so random. He wakes anytime between 1 and 5 am usually twice but sometomes only once and sometimes (but not often) sleeps till 6.30am. When he wakes sometimes its for 5-10 mins and sometimes its for 2 hours. We have tried everything from controlled crying to having him in our bed. Tresilian couldn't help either, so our latest is to get big sister Ela sleeping with him - she's happy about this option and is able to sleep through his wailing! But it hasn't really helped with sleeping through.

Added: 26 July, still the same so any ideas or suggestions would be greatly recieved.

1 comment:

Melanie Hughes said...

A friend with a similar problem got relief by taking her little munchikin to he chiropracter aand another frined did the same with an osteopath - both had improved sleeping from the kiddies in question - might be worth a try?