Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Well there has been a cold/flu/stomach bug doing the rounds of our house this week.
Last night I had to go to the emergency department of Concord Hospital and get them to check me out as I was experienceing a band of pain across the top of my stomach, was short of breath and very uncomfortable.
They put me on a drip to get some fluids into me, and took plenty of blood to test for other ailments.
BB although quiter than usual (possibly because I hadn't eaten all day) was doing well (heartbeat 150-160bpm when measured) and my blood pressure wasn't too bad.
I did feel a bit stupid going there - especially when the blood results came back as all normal and they said it was possibly just a gaseous buildup! But the doctor suggested an ultrasound next week to rule out gallbladder stones as he felt it was a bit tender around there.
Best to be safe than sorry I guess.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

27 weeks

Into the third trimester now and starting to feel it. I developed a rash on my stomach about 2 and a half weeks ago and have tried numerous creams and remedies, all to no avail.
It has now spread to my thighs and boobs and I think it is time to take action and get the steroid cream that the GP prescribed.
I've also started drinking dandelion tea (foul) and taking flaxoil - by the spoonful (double disgusting) as I have read that they can work well. I think tomorrow though I'm going to get the antihistamine (piriton) prescribed by my OB and take it before bed as the itching/scratching has started to keep me awake.

I recall having a similar thing with Ela, but I never sought 'help' - just dealt with it until it went away (about 4-6 weeks). Dr Sacks thinks it will probably come and go until I deliver - which is looking likely to be about the 3rd or 4th of September.

Other than that, Gestational diabetes test came back 'normal' with a BSL of 3.7. BP was 110/70 and fundal height 27cm - so buba on track for being a 'normal' size at this point. I feel like I popped out really early but have slowed down a bit now. I'm definitely not feeling as bloated as last time - altough I can't now remember whether that feeling was closer to the end with Ela.

Front runner in the name stakes is Tom at the moment with no other real contenders except for maybe Johnny.