Friday, February 15, 2008


Tom is now 5 and a half months and still hasn't 'got' the whole sleep thing! He goes to bed really well after a bath and a story with his big sis between 6.30 and 7pm. (The baby bath is now too small for him as he insists on standing up! So he is in his little bath seat but needs to be held or he'll slip thorugh the sides.) But he wakes constantly in the night. I try and limit the feeds to just once or twice if I'm shattered and deal with the the waking via the dummy or a bottle of water. But the hourly bursts are killing me.

In the daytime, he gets 3-4 sleeps in but each is only short, average of about half an hour. Every now and then though he will surprise me and have a 2hr daynap which is good.

He is also teething which doesn't help matters. There has been slobber galore for almost amonth now so hopefully we'll see a little peggie peeping through soon.

There are 2 places though where Tom loves to sleep and that is the pram and the car. Here you can see him in his snow suit. Not much (any) of that around but the suit is needed for cold winter walks.

Here's hoping that the magical 6mth mark brings a full nights sleep.

Friday, February 1, 2008

twinkle toes

This week Tom has discovered that trick of laying on his back, throwing his legs in the air, catching his feet and rolling around holding onto them. Very cute to watch. In fact in any position he loves to grab his toes, in the bath and while sitting (supported). He is also getting used to tummy time and did his first roll. But I think that was a fluke because I have't noticed another one yet.