Saturday, July 12, 2008

On Holiday

Tom just did us proud on our cruise holiday around the Med. He was so well behaved, considering he was pushed and pulled from one place to the next, but was well rewarded with lots of kisses and cuddles and of course his favourite - ice creams. Everyone who passed our table at dinner time commented on how adorable he was and most people wanted to ruffle his fluffy head.
Meal times were actually hard work, but the ship provided us with whatever food we wanted for him, whenever we needed it - even pureed it too. And there was no washing up or cleaning to be done so it was pretty painfree for me :)

We were so glad that we invested in this McClaren Buggy before we left as it was a life saver. Tom just loved it and slept anytime anyplace once it was reclined. Even at the evening shows! I walked a fair few kilometeres around the ship with him in it, and we were able to easily bundle him on and off coaches while visiting Barcelona, Florence and Nice. He loved being on the coach too, making the other passengers laugh with his funny faces.

The cruise was wonderful for him, babies had their own 'diaper wearing' pool which was just a few cm of water with a small trickle of water from a spout, but it was all he needed to have plenty of fun.

They also had 3-4 sessions a day of Fisher Price playtime, where babies and toddlers could go with their parents to a room filled with fabulous toys and play to their hearts content. The lovely Jonie from South Africa was his favourite carer and she was forever telling me that he was the happiest baby she had ever had there.