Tuesday, July 10, 2007

31 weeks

Well last week we had a chicken pox scare. We were with my good friend Maria whose little girl Leah contracted it two days after our playdate so we had to go see the GP. It turned out, after a blood test, that I do not have the antibodies present and so had to go to St George for a shot of Imunoglobulin - in the derriere. No side effects noticed, and apparently no harm done to poor little BB.

Today we had our 31 week Ob visit. All good. Fundal height is 33cms so BB is growing slightly bigger than average. Elective Cesarean booked in for 3rd September at 5pm, but looking at changing it to 1st as we can get a morning slot then. Seems crazy to be choosy about the time of day we have our baby, but thinking about when Ela will be able to meet him, I think morning will be best. Plus I will go crazy waiting all day!

As you can see from the photo, I'm starting to look pretty tired. Going to the toilet 4-5 times a night is surely getting me in practice for night feeding. Cramps in the thigh/bum come and go during the night/early morning but nowhere near as bad as first time round. Don't seem to be as swollen nor do I have the numbness and tingling I had in my left hand and arm like I did with Ela. Still, early days yet. 8 weeks to go and counting.