Wednesday, October 29, 2008

late night excursion

Tom had his first visit to the ER last night/this morning (5am) in Sutherland hospital. After a few days of temperatures and screaming and basic unsettled-ness, and a 4am drive to try and get some sleep into him, I finally succumbed and took him to the 24hr medical centre. Unfortunately the place was closed (go figure) so decided to brave the waiting room at the local hospital. 3.5 hrs later he was checked and I was told he was fine. Which he was once the nurofen had kicked in and he had discovered the toy box in the ward!

In this pic you can see Tom and his friend Elliot tucking into the leftovers at Ela's party last week. MAybe that's what made him sick...?

1 comment:

Melanie Hughes said...

Poor Tom, nothing like a trip to the emergency room at the local hospital to give mummy a stress attack! glad he is all well again!