Monday, September 10, 2007

Visitors and Presents

Tom was very lucky to have lots of visitors while we stayed in hospital and during our first week at home. along with the visitors came presents - for both he and Ela - thanks to everyone for your lovely gifts.
He was really well behaved in hospital, giving me plenty of rest of a night and starting his feeding OK. In fact he slept like a log - and still is. In the middle of a feed particularly, but most importantly, he goes back to sleep quickly in the night which is great. We are still feeding on demand but roughly every 3-4 hours.


Miriam Groshinski said...

Tom is so going to love that truck :)

Elaine said...

I know - although Ela has already claimed it. The first time she saw it at the hospital she asked if she could play with it - and we told her she had to wait till the flowers died. The next day she arrived and the first thing she asked me was 'are the flowers dead yet?'