Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Well there has been a cold/flu/stomach bug doing the rounds of our house this week.
Last night I had to go to the emergency department of Concord Hospital and get them to check me out as I was experienceing a band of pain across the top of my stomach, was short of breath and very uncomfortable.
They put me on a drip to get some fluids into me, and took plenty of blood to test for other ailments.
BB although quiter than usual (possibly because I hadn't eaten all day) was doing well (heartbeat 150-160bpm when measured) and my blood pressure wasn't too bad.
I did feel a bit stupid going there - especially when the blood results came back as all normal and they said it was possibly just a gaseous buildup! But the doctor suggested an ultrasound next week to rule out gallbladder stones as he felt it was a bit tender around there.
Best to be safe than sorry I guess.

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