Friday, August 1, 2008

11 months

At 11 months, there is just one word to describe Tom and that is NOISEY. Well I suppose he has to try hard to compete with his sister, so he is always jabbering away. He loves to turn the pages of books and 'read' to himself. He also loves to 'lal lal la la la' when you sing his favourite songs (twinkle twinkle, the grand old duke of york and yes my name is iggle piggle'. He is pulling himself up on the furniture, crawling at high speed, opening cupboard doors, 'drumming' (which consists of hitting anything with a flat surface using anything stick-like), throwing objects and playing 'ta' (which consists of him offering you a toy and then pulling back when you go to reach for it, following by a cheeky grin or a laugh).

So all in all, typical boy stuff. Plenty of falling down, bruised faces, angry shouts when he can't get what he wants. He is also beginning to understand the meaning of no and will look over his shoulder as he heads towards something he knows he shouldn't be doing, just to check if he is being watched.

Great routine, up between 6-7am, sleeps in the morning for 1-2 hrs and the same in the afternoon and in bed and asleep by 7pm. However the days of putting down to sleep and walking away are gone, and daytime sleeps are usually only achieved in either the pram, or the car.

Pictured here with his grandad, he is going to be missed when we return to Oz later this month. They share a great morning routine, whereby Tom stands by his side at the sofa waiting for titbits of toast like an obedient pet!