Saturday, May 24, 2008

At 9 months

Tom is nine months next week and he is starting to really get into things. He isn't crawling yet but he is wriggling and moving around and trying to pull himself up. He loves to scoot around the room in his walker and he is blowing raspberries now with his tongue out and showering us in spit :)

He is also starting to enjoy visits to playgrounds and softplay areas. Loves the ball pit and the swings.

He is eating and sleeping well. 2 daytime sleeps around 9am and 2pm and 7til 6am at night.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A visitor

Tom's Godmother Aunty Angie came to visit all the way from Oz today and we took her to the pub for lunch. She was convinced that Tom is the spit of his uncle Stevie (when he was a baby) and was amazed at the size and cuteness of him. Yes it is true, the pictures don't do him justice at all. He always lookes like he has been caught between the headlights here on his blog;)

Angie is herself 20 weeks pregnant and got a good idea what was in store after spending the afternoon with us.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Blackpool firsts

Tom took his first outing in a buggy today. We went to Blackpool for the day and he got to ride in Ela's (very) old chariot. He also got to wear his (too small) sunhat because it was a scorcher and another first was his very own icecream, which he devoured in mere minutes.

Whilst we were waiting for big sister Ela to finish bouncing, Tom decided to show off his talents and delighted us with an Irish jig, crossing his legs and flapping his arms.